Different camera’s, different looks. The images below of the waterfall at Boot in Eskdale are captured by the Merrill DP3, DP1 and Sony RX1 respectively. The difference of look of the Foveon sensor, compared to the Bayer sensor of the Sony, is pretty clear. In a world of Bayer sensors the Foveon offers something unique; IMHO capturing a little bit of magic each time the shutter is pressed. For landscapes it’s now first out of the camera bag!

Waterfall, Boot, Eskdale | Sigma DP3 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com

Waterfall, Boot, Eskdale | Sigma DP1 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com

Waterfall, Boot, Eskdale | Sony RX1 | http://www.richardjwalls.com
The shot above is hand held at 1/30 showing slight camera shake … but ok for the comparison. The Sigma should come paired with a tripod!

Inside the Boot Inn, Eskdale | Sony RX1 | http://www.richardjwalls.com
And the shot above and below just wouldn’t be possible with the Sigma Merrills! High ISO, handheld.

Inside the Boot Inn, Eskdale | Sony RX1 | http://www.richardjwalls.com