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James Wheeler –

James Wheeler’s paintings have been part of the Old School since the days before we took over the gallery back in April 2017 and we’re pleased that the association continues and grows stronger over the months and years.


Moor Entrance, James Wheeler | The Old School Muker

Of all our artists it is Jame’s work that I’m reminded as I make my way off Shunner Fell at dusk or walk along Occupation Lane on one of those atmospheric days Upper-Swaledale throws at you from time to time; the patterns and textures of the landscape, the lonely field barns and farm houses, all lying under a brooding, heavy sky.


Moor Textures, James Wheeler | The Old School Muker

Using oil on cork, James perfectly captures the drama and atmosphere of our surroundings and next year we hope to be able to showcase Jame’s original work in the Hartlake gallery. Watch this space!

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