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Sigma DP1 Quattro – Comparison 3 – Leeds Panoramic


Back to the bridge to take the same old test shot as previous comparisons. The day was dull and coming to an end but with a tripod there was just enough light.

Leeds Panoramic | Sigma DP1 Quattro |

Leeds Panoramic | Sigma DP1 Quattro |

Leeds Panoramic | Sony RX1 |

Leeds Panoramic | Sony RX1 |

Leeds Panoramic Clock Detail| Sony - Sigma |

Leeds Panoramic Clock Detail| Sony – Sigma |

The first thing I look for is the detail on the clock face. Given the range it’s a remarkable effort from both cameras and the Sigma in particular.

Leeds Panoramic Greens Detail| Sigma - Sony |

Leeds Panoramic Greens Detail| Sigma – Sony |

When originally looking at the DP2 Quattro I found the colour rendition of greens and reds to be dull compared to the DP3 Merrill and the Sony. Unfortunately I see a similar story with the Quattro DP1, the foliage and the backdrop all look too green compared to the Sony. I re-looked in SPP but found no way of adjusting this. I also checked the settings in the camera. Nothing was set that would influence either way.

Leeds Panoramic Bridgewater Place Detail| Sigma - Sony |

Leeds Panoramic Bridgewater Place Detail| Sigma – Sony |

Back to the positives, the detail on Bridgewater Place is remarkable!

It was a grey day in Leeds on Sunday and so no judging the Quattro DP1 until the shooting conditions are better, and remember the benchmark here is the Sony RX1, a camera retailing on Amazon UK for almost 3 times the price of the Sigma.

Shooting & Post Processing Notes

All shots taken at ISO100 with a tripod and post processed using SPP 6.1 and Lightroom. Due to past experience of over aggressive noise reduction luminance noise reduction was knocked down to the minimum in SPP (however this seems to make the Quattro DP1 images more noisy when viewed at 100% as compared to the Merrill DP3 (or Sony) and I’ll check this out in another post).

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