I know from the heat of the debate when the DP2 Quattro was released how opinion quickly divided between those favouring the Quattro and those favouring the Merrill.

Blackburn Mercury Monoplane | Sigma DP1 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
I know that the Quattro is a huge step forward as a camera, though the funky look is not to everyone’s taste.

Concrete Works, Leeds | Sigma DP1 Quattro | http://www.richardjwalls.com
I know I looked forward to the Quattro’s release as much as anyone, but just like many worried that the new sensor design would compromise image quality and the foveon look I’d fallen in love with.

And having just packed up the DP1 Quattro to return it to Sigma, and finally replaced my (stolen) DP1 Merrill, I know what my conclusion is having compared the images the two cameras produced.

Yorkshire Dales | Quattro – Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
It goes without saying that the Merrill is a bloody awful camera. Slow, clunky, battery hungry, no ISO range to speak of, poor LCD, no EVF, poor in anything but bright light, useless unless paired to a tripod, I could go on …

ME109| Sigma DP1 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
… BUT …
The Merrill has one redeeming feature, the images it produces!

Field Barn, Langdale Valley | http://www.richardjwalls.com | Sigma Merrill DP3
The IQ is simply superb in the detail; the look is unique; and the range of tones for monochrome just blows me away.

Ossett War Memorial | Sigma DP1 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
As a camera the Merrill may be the runt of the litter but as an image-capturing machine its lens and foveon sensor combine to create simply beautiful images.

Ullswater Sunset | Sigma DP3 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
Pretending for one minute that I didn’t own a Merrill I’m hugely impressed with the images produced by the Quattro.

View from Tryfan | Sigma DP2 Quattro | http://www.richardjwalls.com
It’s IQ stood up well to the Sony RX1, a camera that costs 3 times as much; as a camera it’s a step-change improvement on the Merrill; and as a combination it’s most definitely (accept perhaps the ISO range) a strong contender for those seriously interested in photography.

Victoria & Hunslet Mills Detail | Sigma – Sony | www/richardjwalls.com
But I do own a Merrill and so for me it was an easy choice … and if I’m not the Quattro’s target audience I not sure who is. In a world of niches the Quattro doesn’t easily fall into any. It’s not the camera for the casual shooter, nor the street photographer, nor the travel photographer, nor will it replace full frame DSLRs or mirrorless systems or Sony’s ever increasing range of interesting specialist devices, or medium format.

Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility, Leeds | Sigma DP1 Quattro | http://www.richardjwalls.com
My suspicion is that that Sigma set out with the best intensions of developing a camera that was superior in every way to the Merrill, improving IQ whilst addressing the Merrill’s obvious short-comings and I applaud their attempt …

Sigma DP1 Quattro | http://www.richardjwalls.com
… But that the reality is that the Quattro sensor has fallen short of its theoretical promise … and that its physical constraints will limit any real improvement going forward.

Quattro – Merrill Detail | http://www.richardjwalls.com
If you’re working on the bleeding edge of technology occasional failures and blind alleys are just part and parcel of life; you have to learn from them and move on; and sometimes that means a step backwards before you can move forward …

Clocks & Green Detail | Quattro – Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
… But all that is of course is pure speculation on my part …

Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility, Leeds | Sigma DP3 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
If I’ve a Christmas wish I hope that somewhere in Sigma’s research department, someone is right now gluing a Merrill sensor to the inside of a Quattro body. What a camera that would be!

Sigma DP3 | http://www.richardjwalls.com
In the meantime if your primary interest is image quality, and you’re thinking of buying a Sigma camera my advice is don’t hesitate!

Temple of the Winds | Sigma Merrill DP3 | http://www.richardjwalls.com
If you can put up with the clunky old Merrill, and carting around pocketful of batteries and a tripod, then for £300 you’ll have a camera that will simply amaze you with the results it produces.

Cathedral Cavern, Little Langdale| Sigma DP3 Merrill | http://www.richardjwalls.com
If you’re not so patient, and who would blame you, the Quattro, at ~ £700, is still a steal, and will produce images on a par with cameras three times or more the price.

Adam & Eve, Tryfan | Sigma Quattro DP2 | http://www.richardjwalls.com
Whatever you decide I doubt you’ll be disappointed …