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Sony RX1 & Sigma DP1 Merrill




Conventional wisdom is to invest in glass. I dumped conventional wisdom along with my Nikon D800, replacing it with the fixed lens / sensor combination of the Sony RX1.




And having done it once I went and compounded the crime, buying a Sigma DP1 Merrill with the pennies left over from the D800 fire sale.Sigma


The expert reviews of the Foveon sensor and Merrill cameras intrigued me. Summarised, rubbish cameras, great image taking devices, potentially great monochrome.Sigma


Sadly the Merrill DP1 was stolen a week after it arrived but i managed to take a few shots before it went and compare it to the Sony RX1.Sony


Put simply I was stunned with the pictures produced. I love the output of the RX1, but the colour rendition, detail and monochrome total range of the Merrill is amazing, and I mean this in absolute rather the relative cost terms.Sigma

Put the pictures taken with the Sony, the Merrill, even a Leica, in front of a bunch of photographers and get the to choose which are which. I wonder what the results would be! (Ok I know wide open the Leica will be be instantly recognisable, but in all other circumstances)




More to the point the sensor / lens combination give the final image a look which is totally unique; a different type of quality which is not about pixel counting, or the buying the most expensive glass, but a certain unique feel.Sony


I don’t plan to dump the RX1, it’s the one that I’ll have in my pocket 90% of the time, but I’m going to replace the Merrill as soon as cash-flow allows. I shoot manual most of the time, and I’m more than happy to stick to ISO200 to keep the noise down.Sigma

I just hope the thieves who pinched the Merrill (along with a brand new Fuji XE2) take up photography and learn what a great camera they’ve got!

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