Get up. Make cup of tea. Drink cup of tea. Shorts, trainers, t-shirt, hat on. Camera in rucksack. Rucksack on. Stretch. Down the track from the cottage to the Northton’s main street. Turn left. Past the houses. Past Croft 36, excellent buns. Past the Temple Cafe, excellent food. Past the lane to the beach. Through the gate. Onto the machair. Harassed by Redshanks protecting chicks. Right. Onto the sands of Traigh an Taoibh Thuath. Aim toward the sea. Onto Scarista. Follow water’s edge out across the bay. Meet sand dunes. Find gap in fence and right onto the A859. Past grazing cattle. Round the corner. Up the hill. Turn right back onto Norton’s main street. Complete the loop. Stop to take photos whenever needed.

Machair, Northton, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1rII

Traigh an Taoibh Thuath, Northton, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1rII

Looking North across the sands to the hills, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1rII

Looking South back to Northton | Sony RX1rII

Emerald sea, Scarista, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1rII

The Dunes, Scarista, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1RII

Grazing Time, Isle of Harris | Sony RXirII

Northton, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1rII

Ceapanhal, Northton, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1rII

Northton, Isle of Harris | Sony RX1RII
Not the most conventional approach to photography I admit, and I’m unsure it will catch on, but you do cover some ground, it’s a great excuse to take break in the middle of a run, and it’s only possible because the Sony is so small and light!