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The Old School Welcomes Morna Rhys


The Old School Muker is pleased as punch to now be showcasing the work of Morna Rhys   as part of our plan to exhibit the best printmakers from the UK, and driving through Upper Wensleydale & Swaledale I see her work all around us, especially as we drive towards our new home just above Gayle.


Morna specialises in coloured copper plate etchings based on drawings, paintings and photographs made on site. She sometimes returns to the site to work directly on the plate. The effect of sunlight and moonshine in the images she creates adds mystery and wonder and are very important elements in her work.

Each etching requires the application of many different colours all added to the same plate, which is then carefully wiped with scrim, and polished with acid free tissue. Alternatively, when required, Morna uses 2 or 3 plates which are printed sequentially to give strong colour contrasts.

Each of Morna’s etchings are individually coloured and printed by hand. No two prints will be the same and as such each is a unique work of art.

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